Onward and Upward

If you know me at all, you’ll know that this photograph represents a monumental achievement. I haven’t seen this surface since some time last fall. I’m not kidding. This is what I did today.

Behind the newly-repotted Christmas cactus is a crockpot of tomato lentil soup, which was delicious. But the counter, people, the counter. Clean, clear — no paper, no bags, no yarn, no little envelopes of buttons that came with shirts last October. No old pay stubs, no paperclips, no bits of ribbon, no broken size 9 circular needles from July. It was about time, and I’m happy. Onward, to the rest of the house!

After such success, what’s left? Why not take the rest of the day off? Well, I wanted to get the Reeves wheel running smoothly, and I accomplished that goal, too. I managed to botch the drive band installation at least five times before I got it right, but I made sure that I didn’t leave any of the too-short or too-thick string on the sparkling-clean counter. I spun a bit on some new fiber that I’ll share with you soon. I’m not sure I’ve got it right yet.

I was moved by so many of the poems I read on Thursday’s (Silent) Poetry Reading. Here are links to just a few:

::Athena Dreams::Woven Thoughts::
::Fillyjonk and Wool Over My Eyes had the same brilliant idea::
::Sandy made me long for Spring::
::and thanks to whoever it was who posted Diane Ackerman’s “School Prayer”::

I had the strangest knitting week. I worked on all the socks that are almost finished, one after another, and after a couple of days I’d had enough. I haven’t finished any of them yet, either. I’d rather start some new socks. Well, I did, but the pattern and the yarn aren’t making music together so they’re history. I’ll find something, I’m sure. I’m dabbling, and it’s all good.

14 thoughts on “Onward and Upward

  1. You make me feel guilty – I had all kinds of plans to accomoplich things today – did I do any of them — NOPE!! Tomorrow is another day..I did do 4 rows on my vest …. and tried to figure out what is going on with Hubbys laptop – that is itbtw — that counter looks fantastic! And the soup sounds yummy too (we had Hobo Stew)


  2. I didn’t accomplish anything practical this weekend, and you’ve inspired me to tackle my own kitchen counter. Right now it is covered in my daughter’s mail and assorted other paperwork. Maybe this evening, while I’m making dinner….


  3. Congratulations on your clean surface! I never accomplish this on my own. I always get it done, when my daughter is home for a while. Thank god she’s coming home at least twice a year! ;o) I’m working to knit the mates for a few single socks as well, no fun.


  4. Starting socks sounds like fun. Why not? And clean counters? ALWAYS EXCELLENT! Keeping my room clean is a big piece of my Plan to Stay Sane. I do not always achieve this goal, but I work at it. Clear surfaces are calming to me which is why I try never to LOOK when I open my closet door. All the mess gets shoved in there. Don’t tell anyone!


  5. I didn’t see your counter before, but it looks wonderful. My husband (!?) and I deep cleaned our bedroom and bathroom yesterday and it’s so relaxing walking into a sunny, shiny room with no clutter and no dog hair on everything. Why was there a coat hanger on our dresser all these weeks? Why the tags off my new bra? One of those button packets of which you speak?It’s a good feeling, isn’t it?


  6. I personally have not seen your kitchen counter since you moved in seven years ago. But who am I to speak of others clutter.Congrats! It looks great. When I accomplish something like that, it always makes me feel so much better (and I do accomplish it, I just don’t seem to be able to maintain it, but I’m working on it.)


  7. I get to pretend that I woud have been highly productive were it not for the frozen pipes that leave me without water. Since all I’ve got for heat is a fireplace, and the temps aren’t predicted above freezing until Thursday or Friday, I predict many yucky, soot covered days ahead. (I can bathe at my parents, but it’s a bit far to drive just to wash one’s hands as much as I like to in fireplace season…)


  8. Clutter is not my friend. I think about how I lived before I lived with my husband and I was not this messy. It’s taken over the place and I can’t keep up with it. then I heard on NPR today a story about people who hoard, and how people have died in their piles of clutter…I don’t want to be like that! And on Oprah this week they’re doing a show about clutter. I clear off a counter top here and there but I need to clear off a room or two to really make a difference! Can’t wait to see your socks and your new fiber. I ended up baking for a Super Bowl party and doing laundry all weekend. And coughing and blowing my nose!


  9. fabulous accomplishment – wanna pop on over and help me with MY counters??? (grin)Good luck with the Reeves adjustment – it’s a little tricky, but once you get it set, you’ll have it for life!


  10. You know, I have the same cactus and didn’t know the name of it. Mine is blooming beautiful reddish flowers––because the dry heat in my apartment causes a desert micro-climate.I try to keep my kitchen counter clear, but I have a man who loves to cook and read, so I’m kinda giving up on it, and being thankful for the good meals I receive instead.


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