Stumbling forward

fresh start

Well, guess what? I think I have a new website.

Everything I ever posted on my old Blogger blog is here — that part was relatively easy. All my ideas and dreams for my next incarnation are here , too — or they will be, as I discover them.

I’ve been working on this for a few weeks, hesitating to push the Go button. I think I was feeling nostalgic, or maybe I just couldn’t make the commitment. It’s done now, and here I am, looking around this huge space, wondering where I put the box with the coffee pot in it.

The trickiest part of this move has been getting my domain to redirect properly. It’s still a little wonky, but I’ll get things squared away soon. At least the panicky part is over. Somewhere out in the vast Internet, my old blog is still chugging along, but right now I get a 404 message when I look for it. No matter, because all my posts, and most of my photographs, and all your lovely comments going back to the beginning of time — or June 26, 2005 — are here in their new home.

I’ll be rearranging the furniture, but so far I’m extraordinarily happy to be here. I needed a change, and I loved the Little Story theme the minute I found it. For now, the little town on the header is exactly where I want to be!

Edited to add:  I’ve also reached a milestone — my 400th blog post!

9 thoughts on “Stumbling forward

  1. Am I too late to comment on your new look? I like it very much. And I also like (for reasons good or bad) that you now have more time to blog! One thing I do miss– your list of blogs that you enjoy reading… I used that to find other blogs that I also enjoy; and of course, I cannot remember the names of them all to find on my own… 😦


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