I’m designating Amie as my Jaywalker Pinch-Knitter. Why should I bring the whole team down, when she’s obviously going to finish her pair? I’ve moved on to this simple, uncomplicated pair, since it’s clear that I can’t jaywalk properly. They remind me of geraniums in the summertime, which makes me happy.

  • Yarn: Trekking XXL Color 107
  • Needles: 2.5, 2.25 mm DPN’s (I use big for the cuff and leg, and small for the heel and foot)
  • Pattern: Basic Ann Budd pattern (but definitely Not Plain-Jane) with an Eye of Partridge heel flap


I’m still swatching for my Olympics Sweater. I have to choose a pattern, though. I’ve narrowed it down to a few, but I haven’t the slightest idea which one I’ll choose. I like Knitty’s Sonnet (especially because it’s knitted from side to side, and would show off my yarn, not my width), but I’m not fond of the neckline. I like Knitting Pure and Simple’s Side to Side and V-Neck Neckdown cardigans, too, but I don’t own these patterns, so I’d need to order them. I do have Ann Budd’s Knitter’s Handy Book of Sweater Patterns, so it’s conceivable that I could design my own…

Don’t Olympians have trainers and coaches who tell them what to do?

J and I tell each other what to do all the time. We’re in consultation at this very moment. All is not lost, and it is a particularly beautiful day today, so I think I will spend time enjoying it!

5 thoughts on “

  1. very pretty socks. Perhaps you are alot like yarn-a-go-go. She loves the look of lacey socks.. but likes to knit plain st st b’c that is what she LIKES. *shrug.But I like both the socks and the discourse on the sweater. Keep thinking out loud.. it will come.


  2. crap.I guess I have to finish them now. I’m almost through the gusset of the first one, but they got relegated to “during class” knitting….Okay, for you, I will bring them back in… there are two Gene Kelly movies on TCM in a row, and since he is the perfect man, he deserves some nice socks, yes? I think the Jaywalkers are appropriate in honor of the city he leaves behind for Brigadoon….When I’m not spinning on Delphine, that is…. (she’s very much looking forward to meeting you and yours, btw…)


  3. Well — personally I like the first sweater and have total faith that you can change the neckline to something you love.


  4. I’ve got to get some of that Trekking yarn – every time I see a beautiful pair of socks and think “Oooh love the yarn.” – it turns out to be Trekking. I think it’s the only commercially made yarn I like for socks.I agree that the neckline on Sonnet could be a problem. I think it could easily be too large and slip off the shoulders. But if you know that ahead of time you could probably modify…:)


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