KSKS Questionnaire

What are your favorite colors? Blues and rich colors, mostly, but any colors that evoke a mood or a memory are good.
Are you a new sock knitter? I’ve been knitting socks for about 3 years. I always have at least two pairs on the needles.
Do you prefer solid or multicolored yarn? Multicolored, especially handpainted.
What fibers do you prefer in sock yarn? I love wool and anything that will make my socks comfy and luxurious.
Where do you usually knit socks? At home, mostly, but I take them with me wherever I go, just in case.
How do you usually carry/store small projects? In a little bag. I have a few that always seem to have a project inside.
What are your favorite sock knitting patterns? My basic fall-back sock formula comes from Ann Budd’s Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns, but I have lots of books and patterns I’ve purchased or downloaded. I tweak most of the patterns I knit, and I like interesting stitches, like lace and texture.
What are your favorite sock knitting techniques? I usually do cuff-down socks with a flap heel. Works every time.
What new techniques would you like to try? I’d like to make some toe-up socks, but as I said, cuff-down works.
Do you prefer circulars or dpns for sock knitting? DPN’s. I love my DPN’s. I’ve tried both circular methods, and while I use them for larger projects, I think they’re too fiddly for socks.
What are some of your favorite yarns? Socks That Rock, Fleece Artist, Sundara Yarn, yarns from small companies.
What yarn do you totally covet? Fleece Artist in one of their deep, luscious colorways. Or Crown Mountain Farms Sock Hop.
Any pattern you would love to make if money and time were no object? I’d like to be surprised!
Favorite kind of needles? I love my little Brittany birch needles, and Crystal Palace Bamboo, but I’d be happy to try something new! Pony Pearls, rosewood…hmm…
If you were a specific kind of yarn, which brand and kind of yarn would you be? Alchemy Yarns Synchronicity. Just because it exists.
Do you have a favorite candy or mail-able snack? M&M’s or dark bittersweet chocolate are yummy.
What’s your favorite animal? Cats, I guess! But I like turtles, too. “Slow and steady wins the race”, and all.
Do you have pets? What are their species/names/ages? Just Annabelle the cat, age about 9 (she won’t tell me).
If you were a color what color would you be? A swirling mix of all the blues that can be seen in the ocean, from deep indigo to bright cerulean.
Describe your favorite shirt (yours or someone else’s). Old, soft linen, long and loose and comfortable. The next best thing would be an old chambray shirt.
What is your most inspiring image, flower, or object in nature? A spiral. It’s everywhere in nature, and I love the image because to me it means continuity, a journey, and the way life is. And socks are spirals, too! I love moonflowers and beach stones, too.
Tell me the best quote you’ve ever heard or read. Treat others as you would wish to be treated. The Golden Rule, basically.
Do you have a wishlist? No.

Is there anything else you need to know?

2 thoughts on “KSKS Questionnaire

  1. This is a great questionnaire, even the questions I don’t understand (because I’m not a knitter).You said A swirling mix of all the blues that can be seen in the ocean, from deep indigo to bright cerulean.I bet this is exactly what your aura “looks” like. Has anyone ever checked it out?


  2. Sweet Jane,Ah, a spiral – you have given me a lot of food for tho’t w/that image – thanks.As per your usual & my reaction to your usual, I loved reading about you. And I’m always hopeful that we all will get to know more about each other.XOXO


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