Where’s Jane? I lost her.

This is where I have been spending my time. At my desk. In my windowless cell of an office that is also the break room, a storage room, and the route to the bathroom. Here I went and got some Nice back, and I haven’t had much chance to use it, because I have been ordering books like a madwoman. All week long. Even on my day off. Well, part of my day off, a few hours, but still (I did manage to keep a much-needed haircut appointment, which improved my mood considerably). When I’m not in the office I’m in the store, trying to remember what I came out of the office for. I shelve the books I ordered (foolish woman, don’t I know how all these books got here?). I go home, wait for my brain to thaw and my feet to stop hurting, and before long it’s morning, and time to go back to work.

I’ve been trying to knit the Rockin’ Sock Club Hippy Crunchy socks, but I seem to keep misplacing the yarnovers (there are a lot of them). I had to stop, count, squeeze them in, and then rip out the row anyway because I still couldn’t get it right. Then, having conquered the yo’s, I breezed through the heel, only to pop a bunch of stitches right off the end of the needle. I was too tired to reconstruct the shaping, so I ripped out the heel, too.

When I find Jane again, sometime tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to make plans to enjoy my Sunday off like it’s a seven days instead of just one. I’m going to sleep late, eat fresh blueberries, knit something, and think about anything but carton quantities and on-sale dates.

So I’ll be back on Sunday, and I’ll let you know how the one-day vacation thing and the sock are going.

8 thoughts on “Where’s Jane? I lost her.

  1. When all else fails, holing up in the office works for getting my nice back too. Not the best solution, but it works. Enjoy your day off!


  2. Sweet Jane,Hope you can rest, recuperate, dream, let your piggies rest (put those feet up! I know what it is like to have hurtin’ piggies!), knit, purr & have some good coffee.See you soon.XOXO


  3. You know what I’ve been doing lately? Baking muffins. And once I made banana bread. Even though it’s hot and we don’t have air conditioning so then the kitchen gets steamy. But oh well, I get good things to eat 🙂 I wish I could work for you though because that would be a lot more fun then cashiering in a chain sports store. But enough about me! I love you lots! And I’m always here for a friendly ear (and/or voice).p.s. I finished Of Mice and Men today and I wanted to cry a litte because it ends with such a punch, but I was at the laundromat!


  4. Hmm, RachelKnitter doesn’t usually comment about baking…why, it’s not her, it’s an R! Hi! Love you, too, Sweetie! xoxo!


  5. I hope your one-day vacation feels like weeks- and that the hours stroll slowly by, allowing you to bath in relaxation.oh yes, and be sure to add chocolate. it always helps.


  6. I love getting my hair cut. It’s always so therapeutic. I hope today stretches out as long as possible while you recover from your work week. Great to see you writing, but all of your readers understand how busy summer is for you. I don’t believe any of us hold it again you, do we? Nah!!


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