All I really want to do…

…is start something new. I have a short trip coming up this week, involving airports and airplanes and other sitting around, so I need to be sure I take enough knitting, right? It’s best if the projects are small, and not too pattern-intensive, right? And having choices makes a person a happier traveler, right? I have enough socks to work on, so I need something else, right? Okay, then. That’s settled.

So this ball of peacock-colored merino is about to become a simple mistake rib scarf for Mister C., the most wonderful book buyer/general manager/co-worker in the entire book business. I’m thinking Christmas, but his birthday is in early December. Either way, the scarf will be done in a week or two, and I will be a happier traveler.


I’m still reminiscing about Italy. Here’s a picture of Villa Vignamaggio in Tuscany. The sky on this afternoon was a bit overcast, so the colors are sort of washed out, but Oh, what a place. This was where we stayed for a few days before returning to Florence. [My sister’s and my room was in another, much smaller building, up steep stone steps and through an arched doorway. We felt like we’d stepped back in time, except that the bathroom had a whirlpool tub.]

This is where I got to make a few paintings, but I have to say that the landscape and the history were a little bit overwhelming at first. Me, painting in the Mona Lisa’s front yard? A Tuscan landscape, no less? Oh, pinch me. Hey, the whole trip was an unimaginable dream, so who am I kidding? I was actually there. I’d love to go again, but I’ll still need to be convinced that it’s real.


I made a (for me) large stash acquisition yesterday. Our local department store, which actually has a fabric and yarn department, had a big bin full of yarn marked 60% off. I came home with eight balls of Patons Canadiana and four balls of Patons Pure Wool. I thought I’d use it for Dulaan projects, but I forgot how much I dislike knitting garments with all-acrylic yarn, even when it’s very nice all-acrylic yarn. The wool will get to be hats and scarves, but the Canadiana will have to wait until the right project comes along. I’m thinking baby blanket. One of these days some niece or nephew will expand the family, and I’ll be ready.

2 thoughts on “All I really want to do…

  1. The acrylic can also be used for animal blankets. We have friends who recently moved and I’m knitting up a cat blanket as part of their housewarming gift.


  2. Jane,For the Dulaan project, the items just need to be warm – acrylic can be teamed w/a wool yarn & thus you can use it all up!Mary, love the cat blankie as part of the housewarming gift! Sweet.Jane, tell me please what the mistake rib stitch is.Martha


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