Wednesday random knittedness

How about some yellow and orange? I love Flickr Toys!

I have some socks to share, too. This yellow and pink pair is for one of the Marvelous R’s.

Pattern and Source: Blueberry Waffle Socks
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock, “Yellowstone” colorway
Needles: 2.25 and 2.75 mm DPN’s
Modifications: I used a K1P1 rib for the cuff, and I must have cast on fewer stitches, because these are small person’s socks. It’s been a long time, and I didn’t keep proper records, apparently.

I made these a while back — 2003, maybe? They just now fit this R, and I can’t wait to give them to her!

This next pair is for the other Marvelous R. I was using this yarn for socks for myself, but something kept bugging me. This yarn is meant for that R, not me, so I frogged and began again.

Pattern: Basic stockinette sock using Ann Budd’s formula, K2P2 ribbing
Yarn: Socks That Rock, “Moss Agate” colorway
Needles: 2.25 mm DPN’s

Needless to say, I think these socks are very cool!


I spent a little time by the water today, which is someplace I have needed to be. The winds were light so I didn’t get blown away, and the water was almost calm. I love days like today — the sun is warm, the air is cool, and I’m not stuck indoors. It’s officially Not the Off Season any more, so my work days are getting longer and more demanding. So, to the water I must go.

I have some nice small knitting projects going on, and many more in the pipeline. After I finish the might-be-my-sister’s Clapotis, I’ve got some ideas about a shawl using the 800 yards of Blue Moon Seduction (50% merino, 50% tencel) that I got at Rhinebeck. The color is called “Red Oak.” I want to make a “Rabbit-Proof Scarf” from the Morehouse Farm book, and a “Heartbreakingly Cute Baby Kimono” from the Mason-Dixon book (my niece L is going to have a baby in a few months). There are always socks, too. I’m a few inches away from finishing my Rockin’ Sock Club socks, and I’m on the second sock of my March Project Spectrum pair, so it’s safe to start thinking about what comes next. I think I hear one of my skeins of Fleece Artist calling to me…

Inspiration. This is a link to Teyani’s blog; her wonderful April 11 post begins like this:

To Inspire:
to animate the mind or emotions
to elicit, create
to affect, guide or arouse by divine influence
to communicate with divine influence
to breathe life into
…from the latin root spiritus, spirare… breath of God.

It’s the right time for me to let inspiration guide me along my path. I want to feel settled and open, the way I feel today. I know it doesn’t always last, but it will always return.

5 thoughts on “Wednesday random knittedness

  1. I’ve neglected Project Spectrum this week. Love all the color in your Flickr album. The socks are great!May you be inspired daily. Your post inspired me to get out and breathe some fresh air today.


  2. Those Flickr toys are so much fun! I love making the little collages – and I love seeing ones that others have created! Thanks for sharing!Lovely socks! The Marvelous Rs will be very happy 😉


  3. You are SUCH a dear!thanks for the link and the quote.. many hugs go out your way!And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Blueberry waffle socks.. sigh.. just dreamy!


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