
sock hats 2Last week was… affirming, frightening, gratifying, hectic, enlightening, tiring, inspiring. The week ended after much joy, many kind words, and miles of Cormo 1.0. The official launch of Clara Yarn was a sold-out standing room-only event. The Noyac Bay patterns have been a success, too, and I’m thrilled and thankful.

I needed a diversion, and sock yarn hats were just the thing. I’ve been playing with the idea for a while, and now seemed like the right time. I reached into my bin of Sundara Sock, rooted around until I found a loose ball, and without thinking twice I cast on.

sock hats 1I used Ann Budd’s Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns to decide on the measurements and stitches that suit the gauge of my yarn, and then I took off. The first one has a basket weave brim. The second one rolls and has a few stripes.

This is mindless/mindful knitting at its best. I don’t have to pay attention unless I want to. I find myself falling into a soothing stockinette rhythm, and my thoughts wander happily. I’m resting my brain before I tackle more complicated knitting.

sock hats 3The hats don’t take long to knit, even on small needles. I’ve been using US 3 for the body, and US 2 for the brim. I might try to find that 16″ US 1 that I know is here somewhere, or I might not. I’m approaching these hats casually. Once I make a few, I’ll look closely and see what I like or enjoy the most about each, and I’ll head in that direction.

I guess I’m taking the scenic route.